Focus on the Front Row.

We understand how evangelism can be as confusing as it is terrifying. That's why The Oikos Movement provides a micro-focused ministry strategy that has life changing results. And it’s based on a simple idea. The people in the front row of your life can change the world.

Evangelism and discipleship can be intimidating. But Jesus never intended that either should seem overwhelming, forced, or non-relational.

The Oikos Movement helps you identify, pray for, and serve a special group of people, your oikos.

Just like Jesus taught us. Just like Jesus did.

The Oikos Principle

We know how you feel and we agree. The way evangelism and discipleship are pitched in many local churches is overwhelming and inauthentic. We train believers to just do what Jesus did, so you know it works. Try it and see. Take the Oikos Challenge and watch your world transform!

Take The Oikos Challenge

1. Download a printable PDF of our Oikos Prayer Card. Age-based cards are also available for students and children on our resources page.

2. Make a list of the people you hang out with and start to pray for them every day.

3. Watch your family and friends discover the love of Christ and find the community they’re longing for in His Kingdom.

4. Join The OM Community by signing up to receive encouragement and updates.